SF3:3S TA Fight: Sean vs Akuma by DevilAzite

“A last minute vote got Sean facing off against Akuma. Can this lightweight Shoto hold his own against the Shun Goku Satsu?!” (Note: Shun Goku Satsu not included.)

SF3:3S Akuma fake demon flip mixup at 1:11, super fireball trade at 1:35, and Sean double Hadou Burst juggle at 2:15

gameplay by DevilAzite

released today, October 25th, 2010

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4 Responses to SF3:3S TA Fight: Sean vs Akuma by DevilAzite

  1. Tarnish says:

    Man that double uppercut looks so awkward.

    Also, I gotta find a 3S Sean player. Been finding all the low tier players for quotations, there’s gotta be someone on West Coast who plays him.

    • Maj says:

      In all these years, the only person i’ve ever seen playing Sean is sicdic. Unfortunately he’s pretty much unreachable unless you play WoW or EQ2.

      Not even Rob “CaliSean” Ingrim plays Sean in 3S.

  2. onreload says:

    Tarnish, check out videos of Sean P, from Japan. There aren’t that many, I’m not sure where he played or where he’s from, but he played the black/white gi Sean very very well.


    There’s a vid where he plays against (imo) the best Hugo player, Hayao, and he does more than just hold his own. You can see that Sean has to rely on the fundamentals, and doesn’t really have combos involving his special moves; some are almost entirely useless, especially against Hugo, where Sean loses frame advantage all over the place, and can get 360’d easily.

    • onreload says:

      Rereading your post, I realize I should…well, read entire posts…I have never heard of a WC Sean-dedicated player.

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