MatchVid of the Day: CAB vs Desora (CvS2)

You have to admit, these Capcom vs SNK 2 EX-Groove matches are fun to watch. Every character is so outrageously broken with these motifications – even Balrog and Raiden!

players: CAB (EX-Guile/Sagat/Balrog-2) vs Desora (EX-Kuroken/Darkyoga/S.Raiden-2)

First of all, i didn’t even know Alpha Counters were cancelable in EX-Groove. At 1:55, Dhalsim busts out Counter Attack xx lvl2 upflame xx HP Yoga Fire midscreen. That’s pretty advanced. Of course, part of what makes these matches fun to watch are the ridiculous block strings that keep both characters’ guard bars flashing more often than not. Everyone puts on a good show except Balrog, who doesn’t get to do much of anything because Shin Raiden is too dominant.

game: Capcom vs SNK 2 (Console)

venue: Casual Set

recorded in March, 2007 (?)

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8 Responses to MatchVid of the Day: CAB vs Desora (CvS2)

  1. moonburn says:

    @Maj: The video and comments don’t seem to match up. Sim is nowhere to be seen @ 1:55. Vid and title say SAW vs. Desora, not CAB vs Desora. Maybe I’m just going crazy?

    • Maj says:

      Thanks for the heads-up. I accidentally embedded the wrong video. It should match up now.

      Sim canceling far s.HP into Yoga Fire is all sorts of cheap!

    • moonburn says:

      No kidding. I never gave CvS2 the chance I should have. I pretty much passed on it because of the “EO” option on the XBOX.

  2. onreload says:

    Don’t mess with EO unless you’ve run out of fun on the regular version. Also why is Raiden such a chain machine

  3. n00b_saib0t says:

    i loved the ending to round 1. i dont know why but seeing ken all over guile like that avoiding alpha counters and guard crushing him like crazy just to get thrown like that made me laugh.

  4. Dammit says:

    Is there an accepted set of best EX options?

    • Maj says:

      Um, not really. When you first unlock Groove Edit Mode, you get 4000 points to spend on your choice of meter and subsystems. Then when you beat Survival Mode, that limit is removed.

      So basically you just add every option available except for the overlapping ones: Dodge vs Roll and Dash vs Run. I’d say Roll is definitely better than Dodge, but Dash vs Run is a matter of preference.

      Of course you have to choose a meter system too. P-Groove is utter garbage. I’d say S-Groove is crap too. N-Groove is probably the weakest decent choice.

      I’d say C-Groove and A-Groove are the best choices, and i’m leaning towards C just because you do so much damage every time you land a hit with any amount of meter. And the more i think about it, the weaker K-Groove seems in this mode. You’re never gonna have meter if you’re winning.

      Then the only option left to consider is whether you want Small Jump. It’s too useful to say no, but it does slow down your normal jump startup/recovery by a couple of frames.

      Personally i’d go with C-Groove foundation + Roll + Run + Small Jump.

  5. jchensor says:

    Dhalsim could do that combo mostly because that particular Dhalsim practices the art of DARKYOGA!!!!!

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