Remix Combos Three? by desk

To celebrate surpassing one million total upload views, desk put together this quick video showing off some unusual HD Remix combos. What’s up with Akuma’s hair color?

STHDR glitched out Versus screen at 0:08, Akuma block damage “combo” at 0:18, and Akuma manual double air fireball combo at 0:28

combos and editing by desk

released today, October 7th, 2010

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3 Responses to Remix Combos Three? by desk

  1. onreload says:

    The versus screen isn’t at 0:18, is that a typo? I did notice that Akuma (or Akuken?) has a glitched super bar, and as someone in the YouTube comments pointed out, during the last bit, Akuma’s hair changes back to normal as desk is inputting the Raging Demon super. Great finds, desk! Tell us how you did it!

    • Maj says:

      Fixed, thanks. No clue what’s going on with the colors. Akuma doesn’t even have a green hair palette in HDR, does he? Maybe it’s just an editing filter.

  2. n00b_saib0t says:

    @0:14 akuma’s hair flashes from green, to white, to red, to green again.

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