MatchVid of the Day: Daigo vs sako (SSF4)

After winning last week’s screenshot caption contest, yungxcve nominated this match between sako’s Cammy and Daigo’s Ryu (starting at the 1:08:45 mark). In his words, “Sako’s my favorite offensive mastermind while Daigo’s an overall mastermind of Street Fighter.”

players: Daigo (Ryu-U1) vs sako (Cammy-U1)

It’s pretty funny watching Daigo spend the entire round walking backward and throwing fireballs, then air Hurricane Kicking his way out of the corner to walk back some more. In fact in the third round (starting at 1:10:43) the real battle doesn’t even begin until 30 seconds have gone off the clock. Cammy needs ultra to make Ryu stop throwing fireballs, and Daigo forces sako to pay that tax up front. Then sako spends the rest of the match just a couple of pixels outside Ryu’s c.MK range. Check out how many of Daigo’s c.MK’s barely whiff. That’s really the key to sako’s success, so pay attention to all the different setups for avoiding and punishing that move. Too bad turtle Daigo knows how to save meter.

game: Super Street Fighter IV (Console)

venue: Godsgarden Online Qualifier 2nd Day

recorded on September 26th, 2010

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6 Responses to MatchVid of the Day: Daigo vs sako (SSF4)

  1. Maj says:

    Um, does the embedded ustream player automatically stream data even before you press play? I just noticed that bar randomly filling up on its own.

    The GodsGarden crew really needs to upload these to u2b in pieces. They’re missing out on a LOT of views/subs. Hopefully this will encourage them.

    • Maj says:

      The ustream player was causing an “Error on page” message too. Turns out the embed code generated by their video window is incomplete (missing “id” and “name” parameters). And the code generated by their website is completely broken. But you can get those missing parameters from the website and add them to the code from the video window.

  2. Snoooootch says:

    wow, I ended up watching the whole thing.

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